Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts

The Best Diet Of All - The Balanced Diet

Posted by admin

The Balanced Diet
A healthiest diet of all is one that is balanced. This means eating the right amount of food for how active the you are, and eating a range of food from the five main food groups.

• carbohydrates, which contain lots of energy and nutrients and are found in starchy foods, such as bread, pasta and potatoes.
• protein, which helps the body to grow and repair itself, is found in meat, fish, beans and eggs
• fruit and vegetables
• milk and dairy foods
• foods that contain fat and sugar

Carbohydrates should make up about one-third of the daily diet as should fruit and vegetables. The rest of the diet may be split between protein and milk and dairy. Only a small amount of what is eaten every day should come from foods that are high in fat and sugar. 

Eating well is an important part of maintaining good health. Here's some practical tips how to cover the basics of healthy eating to help you make healthier choices:

Fruit and vegetables must be eaten, at least five portions of different types daily.
Include some starchy foods in your meals as these provide energy.
Include two portions of oily fish every week such as mackerel or sardines.
Avoid the sugars and fats, these are often found in snacks and processed foods.
Salt should avoided as an condiment as it is naturally in most foods.
Undertake active pursuits to achieve a healthy weight.
Drink plenty of water, about six to eight glasses every day.
breakfast should always be eaten as this provides the start-up energy for the day.

Remember what you put inside reflects on the outside,  food is our forgotten medicine.

More aboutThe Best Diet Of All - The Balanced Diet

The Diets in Fashion in 2013 - Part 3 - The Paleolithic Diet

Posted by admin

The Paleolithic Diet or Caveman Diet

The basic principles of this 'cave man diet' are so simple.  

This diet insists that one should only eat foods that were available to our Paleolithic ancestors. All major dietary components are covered- (i.e. vitamins, fats, protein, fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants and phytosterols etc). This is for the simple reason that it is the only diet that is coded for in our genes - it contains only those foods that were "on the table" during our long evolution, and discards those which were not. 

The diet includes meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, low-starch vegetables, root vegetables, herbs, spices and some fruit and nuts. It should be noted, however, that our Paleolithic ancestors did not pollute the water supplies or add chemicals to naturally growing foodstuffs.

The theory is that our early ancestors limited themselves to this diet because that was what their bodies (and therefore our bodies) had evolved to need. This is of course not entirely true. The main reason that Paleolithic man limited himself (apparently) to the above food types was not that their bodies had evolved to need only a limited diet, but that there was nothing else available. 

Foods to AVOID on this diet:

Grains- including bread, pasta, noodles
· Beans- including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, 
   snow-peas and peas
· Potatoes
· Dairy products
· Sugar
· Salt

Foods to EAT on this diet:

· Meat, chicken and fish
· Fruit
· Vegetables (especially root vegetables, but definitely not including potatoes or sweet potatoes)
· Nuts, eg. walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia, almond. Do not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)
· Berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.

 Try to increase your intake of:
· Root vegetables- carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, Swedes

It will take some time for your body to adjust to the changes you may experience on this diet. There is a huge surge in your vitamin intake. There is 
a huge decrease in your toxin intake. So take it easy whilst your body adjusts, but int he long term you could feel healthier.

More aboutThe Diets in Fashion in 2013 - Part 3 - The Paleolithic Diet
