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Hey Thrivers - How many of these wonderful super foods do you include in your diet to stay healthy.
Alfalfa sprouts - one cup of alfalfa sprouts has less than 10 calories, is virtually fat-free, and contains phytochemicals called saponins, which may protect against cancer and help lower cholesterol.
Enjoy their fresh, earthy crunch in salads or sandwiches, or atop a lean turkey or veggie burger.
Chard - a leafy green vegetable often used in Mediterranean cooking. Again, these super greens contain large amounts of fibre, vitamins (including A, C and K), minerals and protein. Several animal studies have demonstrated that chard helps regulate blood sugar levels and may therefore be of benefit to those suffering from diabetes.
Wheatgrass and barleygrass – these tender, young super greens are high in protein (wheatgrass contains over 20% protein) and packed with digestive enzymes that help boost our immunity and delay the signs of aging. And those with wheat or grain allergies usually find that they can safely enjoy wheat and barley grass without a reaction. According to nutritionist, Gillian McKeith, barley grass offers more protein than a sirloin steak, five times the amount of iron as broccoli, seven times more vitamin C than orange juice and 11 times more calcium than milk.
Broccoli – another widely available super green that can be used in a variety of raw or cooked dishes. Broccoli contains vitamins A, C and K, folate, dietary fibre, manganese and potassium as well as a number of phytonutrients, plant oestrogens and carotenoids, which are all incredibly beneficial for your health.
Cranberres - are red little acidic berries that are rich in Vitamin C and believed to have excellent infection fighting properties. They contain phytochemicals known as condensed tannins, which are powerful antioxidents. As well as the obvious use to treat fungal infections in the urinary tract they also are thought to ward of mouth ulcers and gum problems too.
More about → 5 Super Foods that will keep you super healthy