Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Posted by Admin

To meet the daily requirement for vitamin C, can be satisfied by eating an orange - or taking one tablet of vitamin C. Which one is better? In many ways, of course oranges better. Indeed, the best way to get vitamins and minerals is through food that is needed rather than supplements. Many adults take vitamin supplements on a regular basis. There are some who regard it as a substitute for the essential food. While others regard it as a guarantee that no harm. Multivitamin and mineral supplement daily dose is close to 100% of the recommended dietary allowance, do no harm and may be beneficial if we eat foods that are not much variation. However, supplements can not provide another important element in the diet. Before taking supplements other than a multivitamin and mineral supplement standard, consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian. Important to note that we do not consume more than the recommended amount. Many nutrients can be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

Food benefits
Complete meal provides a large number of benefits that can not be obtained from the pill:
- Full meals are complex. Complete food containing various nutrients that the body needs. For example, an orange contains not only vitamin C but also beta carotene, calcium, and other nutrients.
- A complete food containing fiber. Fiber is important for digestion and can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and constipation.
- Full meals contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds that plants make to protect the plant from bacteria, viruses, or fungi. In contrast to vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals, yet clearly known nutritional value. However, phytochemicals may help protect us from a number of diseases including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

Anyone who needs a supplement?
For most people, a healthy diet is already providing enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be useful for:
- People aged 65 years or more. The older, health problems can lead to a poorer diet, this makes us more difficult to get the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, the body may not be able to absorb more vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D as usual, made more necessary supplements. Further been shown that multivitamins can improve immune function and reduce the risk of certain infections with increasing age.
- Women who entered the post-menopausal period. For some women, without the help of supplements, will have difficulty getting adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D are recommended. Supplements of calcium and vitamin D are both proven to protect women from osteoporosis.
- Those who do not eat well enough. If in a day we do not eat five servings of fruits and vegetables as recommended, then by taking one tablet of multivitamin supplements alone may be sufficient. However, the best course of action is to create better eating habits.
- For those who are on a low calorie diet. If every day someone eating less than 1,000 calories, he may need vitamin and mineral supplements.
- For those who smoke. Tobacco lowers the absorption process a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamn B6, B12, vitamin C, folate, and niacin.
- For those who like to drink alcohol excessively. Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with digestion and absorption of thiamine, folate, and vitamins A, D, and B12. Changes also affect the metabolism of minerals such as zinc, selenium.
- Women who plan to become pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding. During these times, she needs more specific nutrients, especially folic acid - the synthetic form of folate. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube damage such as spina bifida (spinal deformity) in the fetus. Iron supplements given during pregnancy can help prevent anemia in the mother.
- Those who eat special foods or suffer from chronic conditions. If variations in a person's diet is limited, because it is not resistant to certain foods or suffer from food allergies, she should take vitamin and mineral supplements. If he is a vegetarian who did not eat food animal products, it requires a possibility of additional vitamin B12 and zinc. If he does not eat dairy products and is not exposed to sunlight was about 15 minutes a day, that person may require supplements of calcium and vitamin D in their diets.

Several chronic medical conditions may increase a person's nutritional needs are varied, given the appetite is impaired and the body is less able to cope. In this case, it may take a special supplement.
