Everyone must have heard the term "cold". But
what exactly is meant? While each person has their own perception, the medical
community, doctors and nurses, can not even explain it. Among schools rarely use the term
"cold". Maybe because logic can not accept wind phenomenon
"entry" into the body. They usually use another term, is "not
feeling well". Though the lower classes use the same term to describe a
variety of phenomena that are "not feeling well", such as abdominal
bloating, muscle pains, cough, runny nose, dizziness, headache, fever, chills,
and so forth. As a result, all the uncertainty into opportunity drugmaker soft
or anti-cold medicine.
Its not like the bitter herbs will choose scrapings or
massage. Either way it's a lot of people who catch a cold feel better. That's
only natural. With a massage, muscles become weak and delicate blood vessels in
it widened so that more oxygen and nutrients available to the muscle tissue.
Toxin that causes stiffness can be immediately taken bloodstream to be excreted
or neutralized.
With scrapings, delicate vessels (capillaries) in the skin
surface and broke even seen as a red trail in place scraped. The masseuse
always say that the red mark is proof that you catch a cold. In fact, even if
the healthy person will leave a trail of red scraped same. It's just that there
is never a healthy man who scraped off, is not it?
To watch is accompanied by a sense of colds large grainy.
Alternatively, a sense of colds accompanied by pain, pressure, or heaviness in
the chest - commonly referred to as "wind sitting". This may be an
early symptom of severe heart attack. In medical circles this phenomenon is
often called the flu-like syndrome. Needed by people who have experienced such events is giving oxygen and
specialty drugs, not massaged or scraped. so, the patient should be immediately
taken to the hospital, both in the state of lying. Genesis of people who died
when a massage, suggests how improper handling can be fatal. In general, all the symptoms of a cold is a symptom of the flu (influenza,
the common cold), which occurs due to various types of viral infections. There
are viruses produce toxins (poisonous substances) that cause a variety of
digestive system dysfunction, respiratory, musculoskeletal system, and blood
circulation. There is also a virus whose presence makes our bodies react to
inflammation, such as a fever and pain, as well as redness in depict melebarnya
mucosal capillaries underneath. In the airways, these reactions can be cold and
dense nose. The resulting virus toxin can disrupt the
digestive tract, causing symptoms ranging from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
heartburn. Alternatively, it could also interfere with the function of the
intestine so that digestion is not perfect and generated a lot of gas. Such
symptoms later often referred to as the stomach flu. Other viral toxins may
cause muscle and bone pain, then again beredarlah new term, bone flu.
There is no drug that can kill the virus. Antibiotics were
not. Fortunately the virus never survive long, hence the flu usually ends after
5-7 days. Patient is required to drink enough rest and good nutrition as well
as to deal with a high fever that drains a lot of energy and body fluids.
Symptoms of colds may also be an early symptom of a more
serious viral infections, such as hepatitis virus or dengue virus. Dengue fever
is usually an acute (sudden) accompanied by severe lethargy and other symptoms.
While, hepatitis may go away or continues to be more pronounced depending on
one's endurance. For both these diseases we certainly need the help of a
Home » Healthy Body » Wind Sitting / flu-like syndrome: Do not massaged!