5 parts of the body prone to injury during training

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Whether you're working out, getting injured is definitely not one of them. Based on the study, an increase in injuries by 35% in some gym in recent years. A personal trainer said that, there are two basic reasons for the cause of injury at practice, the first is less proportional body shape (bent, oblique). Usually occurs due to daily habits, such as sitting too long in front of the computer or the wrong weight training habits. Body shape that bends can weaken the muscle and bone structure. Errors are potentially the next injury is doing exercises in a hurry and do not be gradual. You will not be able to eliminate 25 kg of your body weight just by doing a training session on the treadmill. You will not be able to suddenly build muscle with just one training session benchpress. You should perform this exercise gradually as the basic principles of exercise. There are some areas that are usually prone to injuries, such as:

Ankle injury
Cause, at the time of cardio exercise such as running or brisk walking, the ankle joint are frequently injured leg. Actual ankle joint injury is an injury to the ligaments of the ankle joint, which is elastic, has a rubber-like structures that keep the bones of the ankle joint together with joints and prevent excessive distorted or twisted. Some causes of injury at these sites is if the landing foot is awkward, if uneven terrain or when there is strength in numbers, which is not unusual given at the joints. One effort to prevent injuries in this section is to find the right shoe for your needs. Look for special shoes for running or brisk walking. Usually this type of shoe heel is not too high (flush with the front of the shoe) so that it can reduce the risk of injury to your feet.

Knee injury
Could be one cause is you sit too long in front of the computer and then perform exercises that use a lot of leg muscle strength. Such as running or jumping. When the foot is unstable due to sitting too long and waist muscles we are not too strong, then the training load will lead to your knees so can result in injury. Prevention, choose the waist and heel movement where you can bend it simultaneously, like lunge movement. This exercise works so that the knee is more stable and stronger.

Lower back injury
One possible cause is muscle tension. Tense muscles can occur because the movement of the waist is too sudden or excessive beyond the muscle strength. For example, while it is sport you realize that you are moving too abruptly can lead to injury. This can also happen when you lift heavy loads. Prevention, Do warm up before exercise to avoid all risk of injury, especially lower back injury. An example is to stand up straight, feet tenuous. Bring your fingers in front, inhale, raise your hands with palms facing up. Leads the eye to the hand, push up and slowly lift your heels. Loose breath, and go back to the original position.

Shoulder injury
As many as 20 percent because of sports injuries occur in the shoulder, including as a result of the position, whiplash, and muscle tension. Cause injury prone sports such as tennis, swimming, weightlifting, baseball, and volleyball. Cause, excessive activity and movement in the shoulder area so that one of the tendons (tendons). Symptoms are pain, stiffness in the shoulder, sprained muscles, bones cracking up. Prevention, nearly the same as on the prevention of back injuries. You can do the following, with woven fingers behind your head, keep your elbows straight to the side with the upper body upright. Pull both shoulder blades point at each other until you feel the withdrawal of the upper back and shoulder blades. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax.

Neck injury
Cause, strained neck position and not allow the sore muscles flexible. As happens when you sit for hours in front of the computer. Prevention, do stretch to the neck muscles in a way, sit upright in a chair. Right hand holding on to the bottom edge of a chair. Make sure not to move the right shoulder. Right elbow slightly bent. Put your left hand on the right side of the head. Slowly pull your head to the left side (slightly forward) so that your left ear is in front of the left shoulder. Do it until you feel a gentle tug on the back of the neck to the right, do it in the opposite direction to stretch the left side of the neck.

Prevention is always better than cure. You try to stretch or warm up when you are going to exercise. First identify the cause of an injury that could disrupt your activities and find measures to avoid it.
